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Quilts, Quilts and more Quilts!

Here are some of my latest projects!

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Misty inspects the International Women's Day Postcards before they go out in the mail.


My first quilt! I called it 'The Blues!'


If the 'quilt police' were real, I belive they would be in the form of a cat! Here, Misty inspects my work on my Birthday Stars quilt.


Beauty for Ashes quilt, made for the about.com art quilt forum Quilts in Literature challenge.  Click the picture to read the poem.


I think she approves. Or she wants a treat.


I designed this patterns and could not find the right fabrics. I dyed my own and my sister drew the quilting design. I then hand beaded it.


detail of the beading on above quilt


This is how I sew: with the cat on top of the sewing machine and the dog laying on the pedal.
