Who do you Admire? My mom and
my Grandmas
Who is Brave? My Grandma L.
Who is the most Creative? Kasey
or Philip
Who is the best Dancer? Philip! That kid can move!
Who is the easily Excitable?
Who is the most Fashionable?
Who is the most Generous? Mom
and Dad H.
Who is always Hungry? Me!
Who is the most Intelligent?
Katie or Mindy
Who is always Joking? My Dad
Who is the most Klutzy? Me!
Who is the best Listener? David
Who would you let give you a
Makeover? Kasey
Who is the most Noticeable in
a Crowd? Christine
Who is the most Opinionated?
Who is the most Practical? My
Who is the Quirkiest? Humm…
Who is the most likely to Recycle?
My Parents or maybe Mindy?
Who is the Sweetest? David
Who is the most Talkative? Christine
Who is the most Unassuming? Mindy
Who is the most likely to Volunteer?
Mindy or me
Who is Well-rounded? Mindy or
Who is Xtraordinary? My mom!
Who is the most like You? My
mom, but I guess I am most like her?
Who the closest in your Zip code?
Besides David, Christine