All Tara... All the Time
Just for Fun!
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Here are some fun things for you!

Who do you know...

Who do you Admire? My mom and my Grandmas


Who is Brave? My Grandma L.


Who is the most Creative? Kasey or Philip


Who is the best Dancer? Philip!  That kid can move!


Who is the easily Excitable? Sharon


Who is the most Fashionable? Kasey


Who is the most Generous? Mom and Dad H.


Who is always Hungry? Me!


Who is the most Intelligent? Katie or Mindy


Who is always Joking? My Dad


Who is the most Klutzy? Me!


Who is the best Listener? David


Who would you let give you a Makeover? Kasey


Who is the most Noticeable in a Crowd? Christine


Who is the most Opinionated? Me


Who is the most Practical? My dad


Who is the Quirkiest? Humm… David


Who is the most likely to Recycle? My Parents or maybe Mindy?


Who is the Sweetest? David


Who is the most Talkative? Christine


Who is the most Unassuming? Mindy


Who is the most likely to Volunteer? Mindy or me


Who is Well-rounded? Mindy or Katie


Who is Xtraordinary? My mom!


Who is the most like You? My mom, but I guess I am most like her?


Who the closest in your Zip code? Besides David, Christine

Some of my Favorite Quotes

Duct tape is like 'The Force.'
It has a light side
and and dark side
and it hold the universe together.

Don't walk behing me,
I may not lead.
Don't walk ahead of me,
I may not follow.
Don't walk beside me, either.
Just leave me the heck alone!

I may not be totally perfect,
but parts of me are excellent!
--- Ashleigh Brilliant

If you can't beat 'em,
Arrange to have them beaten.

A word to the wise aint' necessary.
It's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--- Bill Cosby

There are 2 Types of people:
Those that say
"Good Morning, Lord!"
and those that say
"Good Lord, it's morning!"

If you're annoyed at someone
walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, if you're still mad at them
you'll be a mile away
and have their shoes!

I tend to step out on a limb.
The limb might break, but I was there.

Life is a great big canvas,
and you should throw all
the paint you can on it!
---Danny Kaye

Even if you are on the right track,
youll get run over if you just sit there!

There is a thin line between
fishing and standing on the shore
looking like an idiot.

The early bird may get the worm,
but the second mouse gets the cheese...

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!