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To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. For the LORD has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3 (NLT)

Beauty for Ashes

He’ll take your brokenness, and make you complete.

He’ll take your sorrow, and bring you joy.

He’ll take your emptiness, and fill you up.


Beauty for ashes, beauty for ashes


He’ll take your worries, and give you his peace. 

He’ll take your worthlessness and make you priceless.

He’ll take your silent heart, and bring you laughter.


Beauty for ashes, beauty for ashes


And in the darkest part of the night

When you are alone in the rain

He’ll break through with his light

And show you the way


When you’re walking through the refining fire

And there’s no where else to turn

He’ll be there

To bring you through


Beauty for ashes, beauty for ashes


Copyright 2006 Tara Hovis

I wrote this poem after encountering the phrase “beauty for ashes’ just about everyday for a week! To me ‘beauty for ashes’ means that in order for God to bless you, sometimes you have to let something else go.  Someone once told me ‘You have to let go of the quarters so you can grab the dollars raining down.” How often do we miss out on God’s blessings because we are to scared, to prideful, to worried, or to attached to something?  My desire is to give up myself, and completely abandon myself to Him.  It is only when we learn we are nothing that He can make us into something.