coming! He’s almost here!” The little boy said.
“I can hear
the crowds!” his face grew quite red.
“May I go
see him? May I go hear?
I want to see Jesus!
Mom, there’s nothing to fear!”
‘Yes, you
may go. But keep very still .
The Master is busy,
preaching, teaching and healing the ill.”
Cried the boy, happy with glee.
“Maybe, just
maybe, he’ll talk with me!”
Mother smiled and
packed his lunch.
She knew her son,
he’d want something to munch.
‘Pack extra
for Jesus- he might want a snack!”
The boy got his
coat and came back for his lunch sack.
“Thanks, mom,
I love you! I’ll be back before night.”
‘Have fun,
my boy.” Mother called as he ran out of sight.
The boy stopped
at the top of the hill. Would he ever get near?
So many people…
he wondered ”will I even be able to hear?”
He sat on a rock,
and watched the One who was teaching.
He say very still
to catch every word He was preaching.
Then the Lord glanced
at the boy, smiled and then-
Jesus stopped speaking
and talked with his men.
The boy grew hungry,
and he laid out his bread
Then gathered it
up, and took it to Jesus instead.
The Master was busy,
so he gave it to Andrew and said
‘Give this
to Jesus, it’s not much, but at least he’ll be fed.”
But Andrew led him
to Jesus, pushed him up near
a boy and his lunch, but it’s still not enough, I fear.”
‘Two fishes,
five loaves, all that we’ve got’
Jesus said ‘It’s
enough, even though not a lot.’
The boy stood in
awe as He took the bread
Gave thanks, and
gave to those were to be fed.
the boy shouted as he burst through the door.
‘He used my
lunch and had twelve baskets more!’
‘I just wanted
Jesus to have lunch and be fed
But he shared it
all, with everyone, instead!’
Mother smiled, and
said very softly indeed
‘When you
hear Jesus, listen and heed
He’ll use
what you give, even though not a lot
But if you give
nothing, then it’s nothing He’s got.
Learn this now,
my son, and when you get old
You’ll earn
more then treasure, riches untold.”