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Welcome to Tara Central!  Take a look around my site. 

Here you will find all the information you need to keep up-to-date with the Hovis family!

David and I were married June 11, 2005.  We met at Northern Michigan University.   He is such a wonderful guy! 

 I enjoy quilting, reading, studying my Bible, word searches, playing the keyboard and taking walks.  David likes playing his mandolin, and playing with Isabelle (our dog).

I can't believe we have lived here for a year now! It's unreal!

I work in the HR department of a company in the town where we live. I found out that I will be hired in premenently!  I will get a raise and benefits!   


David and I on our Wedding Day.  This is at the reception at the Durand Depot.

Congrats to Brad and Jamie!  We are wishing you a very happy life together!  We love you!
Congrats to Katie and Chad! Wishing you love and happiness as you prepare for marriage!
Congrats to Liz and Mike! Wishing you the best as you prepare for marriage!